Where to Get Your First Customer When You Start a New Business?

Where to Get Your First Customer When You Start a New Business?

You’ve finally decided to start your own business. Maybe you provide a service online, or make really cute hand made toys. Whatever it is, you’ve decided that you want to start making it a professional business. You set up everything you need to make a seamless, and legal, launch.

Now the question is, how do you get your first customer?

Getting your first customer will be a lot easier with a brick and mortar location, since people are bound to walk by and notice it. But what about online services?

Each business is unique, and there isn’t always a one size fits all solution. But no matter what kind of venture you’re starting, there are ways you can get your first customer that are fairly universal.

Utilize Social Media

No matter what your business is, social media is your best friend when it comes to promoting it. One of the first things you’ll want to do before you even launch your business is to set up social media accounts for your business. Some of the best accounts to set up are on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

As you get ready for your launch, talk about who you are and what you do for your business. If you sell products, take lovely and well lit pictures of them. If a service, talk about your chosen industry and demonstrate your knowledge. This will establish trust from the beginning, and encourage new customers to give your business a try.

Also be sure to share here and there about your business on your personal pages so that you can help your network know what you are up to. Don’t get too spammy, or over share, but sharing once or twice a month is a great place to start.

Create a Website

Alongside social media, a website is an important piece to have in place. When your friends tell you about a place they just went to, what’s one of the first things you do? You try to find their website.

Your business website is an important place to inform your customers about who you are and what you offer. Things like business location, phone numbers, email addresses and location hours are essential. Make sure to also have contact forms, and to share your story. Your website is a perfect place to start sharing.

People love to support small, local and passionate business owners. Don’t be afraid to share what makes your business special, and why it’s important to you. Every business owner has a “why,” and they have a vision. Sharing that vision and your journey on your website will inspire those around you to support you and walk that journey with you.

Without a website, you are missing out on opportunities to connect, inspire and inform. And the lack of information may cause you to lose business in the long run. Even if it’s not perfect, having something professional and simple is better than no website at all.

Advertise Your Launch

When it comes time to launch your business, you’ll want as many people to know as possible. Let your family and friends know, and blast it on your social media. If you can, try placing an ad in your local newspaper, or placing flyers on your community’s bulletin board.

When advertising, give future customers an incentive to look forward to, such as an opening sale or promotion, to entice them to come and look around. This is especially important for a brick and mortar store, but is useful for any type of business.

Be sure to pick a date and announce the date beforehand so you can build excitement about your launch.

Ask Family and Friends

No one said your first customer had to be a stranger. You probably already know someone who would be interested in the products you will be selling, or the services you will provide. Why not ask them to give it a chance?

Family and friends are always there to support you, so oftentimes they’ll be happy to give your products a chance. You can offer a special friends and family discount to sweeten the deal.

Cold Emailing

Is your business providing a service online? Maybe you write articles for businesses, or are a social media manager. If your business is a virtual one, you’ll want to look on the internet for the majority of your business.

After you’ve created a portfolio and have some testimonials, you’re ready to start cold emailing. Cold emailing is when you look up businesses in your industry, or your ideal client, and email them to ask if they are interested in your services. The reason this works is most businesses won’t advertise their need for a writer, or that they’re thinking about investing in a new logo or fresh branding. But when you send them your information, they’ll have you to keep in mind if and when they do.

Cold emailing can be effective, but it takes effort and time. To be successful, you’ll want to personalize your emails so they know you aren’t sending the exact same message to multiple people. Comment on their website, or their mission statement, or their latest blog post. Offer some value when applicable, by stating things you would do differently. Adding a personal touch and some value shows to them that you know your stuff, and that you want to provide value and not just get a paycheck.

Establish a Business Network

There are a lot of people out there who have been where you are, or are heading where you are heading. Finding and connecting with fellow entrepreneurs will not only help you feel less alone, but they can also help you gain new business. Chances are, people who run businesses connect with a variety of people with differing backgrounds and needs.

They may notice a gap in things they are looking for that they don’t provide, so when someone comes along who provides that, they’ll be happy to recommend them. This is what business networking starts with: referrals, and building relationships.

Referrals are how a lot of businesses make their money. When a close friend makes a recommendation, you are more likely to listen than if a stranger makes the same recommendation. This is why they are so effective.

Business networking is like vetting people and businesses for value and authenticity, and then spreading the word about them to other people. In exchange, others will do the same for you. And will also help in other areas, like giving advice and helping you generate new business ideas. It’s a way to do business without having to do it alone.

You can establish a business network by joining a networking group, or reaching out to businesses in your community or industry. Just remember that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to your network. Things that add to the quality of a group are the strategies they use to develop relationships, building trust, and having a system in place to rack referrals, progress, and goals. Quality groups will provide more than referrals, they provide training and development so you can be a better closer, be more confident, and overall more successful.

Here at Biz to Biz, we recognize that referrals are some of the most effective ways to get new customers, and our networking groups are dedicated to helping you reach your potential and business goals.

Learn more about our chapters, and what makes our groups different today!

And hey, if you want to grow your business and build relationships within our COMMUNITY of small business owners and sales professionals focused on their businesses, community & personal GROWTH and on giving/receiving MENTORSHIP with other like-hearted people, then make sure to check out Biz to Biz networking groups!

Learn more or contact us directly by email at info@biztobiznow.com


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