![Top Ways to Build L-O-V-E with your prospects and clients](https://res.cloudinary.com/biz-to-biz-global-networking-inc/image/upload/f_auto/v1696450290/blog/top-ways-to-build-l-o-v-e-with-your-prospects-and-clients_fhwdyi.jpg"Top Ways to Build L-O-V-E with your prospects and clients")
It’s February and love is in the air. Which makes it the perfect time to talk about…clients.
While it might seem surprising, or even weird, to use the word “love” and “clients” in the same sentence, there might not be a better word for how best to navigate yourself in the business world.
After all, at the core of any loving relationship is trust.
It’s no wonder, for that reason, that people choose to do business with those that they like and trust. That's why you need to cultivate those feelings to successfully grow your business. For that reason, here are our three best tips to make potential clients fall in love with you.
I’m sure over the course of your life you’ve heard the line “just be yourself.” While it may be a little cliche, that line contains a very important message for all of us: in order to make someone — even a potential client — fall in love with us, we need to show them who we truly are.
Making a potential client fall in love with you is the exact same as that cliched advice; you need to be your true self in order to attract business.
Think about it. So many individuals in business are not their true selves. They’ll embellish what they, or what their product can deliver. They’ll sell you a low-cost solution, only to bury an expensive add-on in the terms and conditions. (Looking at you, printer and ink companies). You can’t trust these types of business individuals, so you certainly can’t love them.
By being an individual in business that is upfront about yourself and your capabilities (and what you don’t do), you will distinguish yourself by your authenticity and inherent trustworthiness.
Clients will find themselves naturally attracted to doing business with you. You’ll be simply irresistible.
In personal relationships, human beings gravitate towards those who teach and challenge us. We love others who can teach us new things and broaden our horizons.
Professional relationships are no different. We tend to like and trust individuals who can teach us new things.
A great example would be a salesperson who does more than just regurgitate information readily available on their website. Instead, they have lots of insider knowledge on how best to use their products or services, and how to best gain value from it. You know this has happened to you when you find yourself thanking a sales rep for taking the time to share their insight or something you weren’t expecting.
To truly present yourself as knowledgeable, there are two steps you should take.
We tend to love people for the unique things they are passionate about. It’s those things that make them who they are. Even better, we love people who unabashedly follow and share their passions with others.
Since your goal is to make prospective and current customers fall in love with you, then you need to be sure to share your passion with them. After all, who would you rather listen to — a sales pitch from someone who feels like they have no connection to their work or a sales pitch from someone who clearly is passionate about what they do or offer?
Passion seems to be contagious, as well. It can transform an ordinary sales pitch into a fervent discussion, filled with excitement and bigger plans than were previously discussed. People love to do business with those they connect with, and passion is a great connecting force.
Authenticity about who you are and passion about what you do are vital to truly connecting. And while you can’t teach that, it is possible to teach the other key skills that will support those elements. We can help you elevate your management and leadership skills and gain confidence in your strengths. Please feel free to contact us to learn more about skills training and our networking groups. We’ve been helping small member businesses grow and flourish through our unique training and referral system since 2006 and we’d love to do the same for you. — just imagine what we can do for you.
And hey, if you want to grow your business and build relationships within our COMMUNITY of small business owners and sales professionals focused on their businesses, community & personal GROWTH and on giving/receiving MENTORSHIP with other like-hearted people, then make sure to check out Biz to Biz networking groups!
Learn more or contact us directly by email at info@biztobiznow.com