Tari Nelles (Maple Grove South)

Tari Nelles (Maple Grove South)

NOW Realty

  • Maple Grove South
  • Realtor

“Tari is all in with her business and always ready to take on new projects, events and clients. She is passionate about real estate and design which truly helps clients in the ease of selling their home”

Kristin LaMott
Kristin LaMott
LaMott Insurance Agency

“Tari is very passionate about her business. She is very though in talking about the real-estate process. I would not hesitate to recommend Tari.”

Dordean Lien
Dordean Lien

“Would be hard to find another Realtor with the drive and motivation that Tari has. Her communication and customer service is top notch! ”

Brenda Van Winkle
Brenda Van Winkle
First Class Mortgage
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