Mike Longo (Puyallup Biz to Biz)

Mike Longo (Puyallup Biz to Biz)

Limitless Chiropractic and Lifestyle Center

Dr. Mike believes that when the body is balanced and the nervous system is free from interference, encouraged through excellent chiropractic care, the possibilities in life are truly limitless. Dr. Mike graduated Summa Cum Laude and Salutatorian in 2018 from Life Chiropractic College West in the bay area of California. He has the wholehearted support of his family (Michelle, Finn, and Rowan) in welcoming you to Limitless Chiropractic; and looks forward to educating, inspiring, and empowering the local community in reaching their wellness goals.

“I cannot say enough about Mike's approach to chiropractic. I went to him because I was a crisis point for a specific issue (TMJ) and not only has he been managing that to almost no flares, he also identified other things that I was ignoring (sciatic issues, knee issues, etc.). I appreciate that we had a shared goal of addressing the urgent issue, then moving to a maintenance plan (including stretches/exercises and ergonomic advice/awareness).”

Libby Cruthers
Libby Cruthers
Elliott Insurance Group
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