Anne Jordan (Kennewick Biz)

Anne Jordan (Kennewick Biz)

Cherrymoor Charities

Hello, I am Anne Jordan. I grew up in Pasco, Wa on my family's farm. I have 30 years of experience in sales, management and business ownership with 20+ years of insurance, banking and financial experience. My heart has always told me that if you take care of people things will work out. I am president of Cherrymoor Charities, a 501c3. Our main event is Sue's Turkey Drive, which collects financial donations to provide families in S.E Washington meals for Thanksgiving. The goal for 2023 is to provide 1500 meals, although we believe the requests are going to be at 1800 meals. The meals are distributed from us to 40+ area non-profits such as Boys and Girls Club, SARC, Domestic Violence, Tri-City Union Gospel Mission, Salvation Army, various area schools, along with Mustangs for Mustangs, and Blue Mountain Action Council. The goal is to take the financial pressure of providing a traditional holiday meal off families experiencing financial difficulties at the beginning of the holiday season. School age children typically have a 4-5 day weekend off school and these meals can allow the families to enjoy this time instead of the financial pressures being felt by all. We provide the meals trough area organizations allowing the recipients to retain a bit more of their dignity by not having to be vulnerable and have to repeatedly ask for help.
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